/ Emotional Stress

Coping with a “New Normal”

We are all contending with far from average circumstances. It’s okay to feel unhappy, worried, and stressed- it takes time to adapt in any situation. Over these first few months of global pandemic, we continue to scramble to adjust to our new schedules, changes in everyday tasks, as well as ideas of what life might be like in a year or even a few weeks.

In our current climate, likely, the most common concern we face is fear of the unknown. Our distress is caused by the inability for us to fully comprehend and make sense of the situation. We are uncertain about how to move forward and anxious about our future. Fear of new things is normal, however, under usual circumstances we are able to overcome that initial distress. Conditions are ever-evolving, but although we are certainly not in normal times, we can move forward.

Think of yourself as a novice sailor, setting out to sea for the first time. At first, the journey seems unpredictable …but the more you sail, the more comfortable you become. Why? The sea remains fickle- however, a sailor gets their bearings through experience and acquired skill. Effort, the right toolkit, and a bit of time builds confidence in the ability to navigate any circumstance.

Although you can’t control many factors about your new daily life, there are steps you can take to help cope and come to terms with our new reality. Even if you find it hard to feel the same as you did before, there is always something you can do.

  • Find new ways to help yourself relax. Try meditation, yoga, painting, finding a new hobby, stretching, listening to music, or closing your eyes for a moment and deep breathing. Consider these coping techniques to help you when dealing with our new situation.
  • Treat your body well. Moderate exercise, walking, 8 hours of sleep, and healthy food can help improve your mood and boost your self-esteem. Avoid sedating your feelings with alcohol or illicit drug use.
  • Give back. Some people like to channel their energy by helping others. Being productive in this way gives you a sense of meaning and lets you turn your attention on others.
  • Take part in online clubs, classes, or social gatherings. Getting together virtually with others or starting something new can help adjust your focus.
  • Stay thoughtfully informed. Check-in on local government policies and medical guidelines to figure out what you can do to make a difference. Having a strategy to navigate your day may give you a sense of control and a way to feel proactive. However, ensure you give yourself time away from news resources.
  • Talk about your concerns. Be honest about the fears regarding the pandemic and take time to communicate those worries. Sharing your feelings with friends and family who have a healthy perspective and may help you feel better. You can also join an online support group to talk to others who are having the same fears.
  • Keep a journal. Write about any anxieties and questions you have. Re-read your journal and focus on what obstacles to your happiness you have control of. Collecting your thoughts on paper can help you let go of fear or put your concerns in perspective.
  • Talk with a counselor. If thoughts about the virus or general stress interfere with your daily life, you might feel better seeing a counselor or therapist.
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