/ Emotional Stress

Grow Through Crisis

For me, the crisis began with a phone call, “Your mother has lung cancer.” A crisis is like a bomb that explodes in your life and shatters it. It is a state of tremendous upheaval, hurt and despair, caused by a specific experience, whether it be the death of a loved one, getting fired from a job, being victimized, the loss of a special relationship, or finding out you or someone you love has a serious illness.

To be alive and to be human is to know crisis; no one is immune. Somewhere, sometime, in some way you will face a crisis or have faced a crisis. If so, you know how it feels and what it can do to you. When a crisis occurs, you may discover that your normal coping skills no longer work. If you could handle the upset by using your normal problem-solving skills you would not be experiencing a crisis – a very rough time, but not a crisis.

In my profession as a psychotherapist, I help people deal with and effectively move through crisis periods. I know no one is immune to crisis, including myself. And yet, as bad as it is, as terrible as it makes you feel, a crisis can be survived. What’s more, a time of crisis can be turned into a time of growth. Through crisis the possibility exists for creating something new and better and you can emerge from crisis a stronger, wiser and more capable person.

You may notice that people who have grown through a crisis often talk about how they have been transformed in some way by the traumatic experience. For example, you may know someone who has suffered a physical crisis where there has been a loss of physical functioning. This person may talk about the fact that they discovered new skills and resources they had never known before. They may talk about growing closer to others or learning to express their caring or needs more openly.

Why do some people emerge transformed by crisis, and show great benefit from the experience, while others remain stifled, bitter, angry, closed or hurting?

Consider the following suggestions to help you grow through a crisis:

  1. Take care of yourself. Physical strain always accompanies the psychological strain of a crisis. Tiredness, sleep issues, disturbed eating patterns, heart palpitations, headaches, neck or back pain, muscular tension or pain, nausea or stomach ache – many or all of these can accompany a crisis. Pay attention to any symptoms you may be experiencing and practice known health practices to help lessen their impact on your health and well being, such as: getting adequate sleep, eating a nutritious diet, limiting your intake of caffeine and alcohol, avoiding use of tobacco or drug use, exercising for at least 30 minutes most days, and practicing some form of relaxation on most days.
  2. Express painful emotions. The most common aspect of a crisis that I frequently hear expressed is that the whole experience feels terrible. Many powerful emotions are felt in a crisis – sorrow, anger, anxiety, fear, confusion, helplessness. If not expressed, these emotions will be bottled up in some way and prolong or increase your distress. People who survive and grow through a crisis come to terms with these powerful emotions. In the early stages of a crisis, it is important to identify the feelings and express them in healthy ways. Keeping a journal, talking to a close friend, a spouse, your physician, a psychotherapist, or clergy person are all important resources that can be used to express your feelings.
  3. Develop a new mental perspective. When I listen to people in crisis the most common comment I hear is, “I never expected this to happen to me.” This feeling is very normal, but suggests that there is a need to gain a mental grasp of the crisis, to analyze all of the components that are contributing to the crisis. Growing through a crisis means adapting mentally and developing new thoughts, beliefs and understandings regarding how you interpret the crisis and how you think about it. To gain a healthier mental perspective, follow these steps:
  • Learn everything you can about the crisis. The more you know it, the better you’ll be able to deal with it. Face the painful facts.
  • Analyze how the crisis has shattered your expectations, dreams or goals. Ask yourself: ”What‘s the worse thing that can happen as a result of this crisis? Who or what is in control of this crisis now?” Identify where the repair work is needed.
  • Develop a new mental map. The new map contains revised dreams and goals. Begin by identifying your opportunities.

If you are in the midst of a crisis, remind yourself that nothing is permanent and that all things will one day come to an end, including bad episodes. Reach out to family, friends, support groups or clergy for help and support, or seek professional help. The road through crisis is never easy. There will be setbacks and discouragement. Within you are reservoirs of courage, strength and love.

Follow the suggestions above and with time you will survive and learn how to grow through crisis. You will emerge ready to resume living, loving, working and ready to move your life forward. The Lexington Group is here to help 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Please contact us for additional support.

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